2pi Software launches Cmfive ERP-targetted PHP Framework

Date,Time : 27 May 2014, 6PM Location : Entry 29, 17 Childers St, Acton, Canberra Tickets : Free via Eventbrite – http://cmfive.eventbrite.com.au Email : info@2pisoftware.com Phone : 0417 579 079 Cmfive is a ready to go, open source system targetting principally ERP applications. Cmfive is built on top of a custom PHP MVC framework. It […]

Date,Time : 27 May 2014, 6PM

Location : Entry 29, 17 Childers St, Acton, Canberra

Tickets : Free via Eventbrite – http://cmfive.eventbrite.com.au

Email : info@2pisoftware.com

Phone : 0417 579 079

Cmfive is a ready to go, open source system targetting principally ERP applications. Cmfive is built on top of a custom PHP MVC framework. It has been developed and maintained by a team on the Sapphire Coast of NSW and continues to evolve with features that excite development teams requiring an ERP-oriented architecture and support.

Features include:

  • Plug and play modules
  • Core capabilities such as :
    • Task tracking
    • User profiles/authentication
    • Reporting
  • A sophisticated Logging mechanism
  • Integration with Composer, a state of the art code dependency manager

Future plans include:

  • Internationalisation support (i18n)
  • A Modernised, mobile responsive UI (in the works)
  • LDAP and OAuth Authentication
  • Database backup support to offsite locations (dropbox, email, FTP etc.)
  • Robust cron based event triggering
  • Document Management

Cmfive is a great initiative by 2pi Software allowing small businesses and beyond to get set up with a fast business management tool quickly and cost effectively.

Cmfive source code is available here :-
