2pi Software supports Regional Innovation Week in the Bega Valley

As an organisation that strongly values the importance of regional Australia developing its own capabilities to provide tailored technical solutions to meet the unique needs of business and organisations within the Bega Valley and beyond, 2pi Software wholeheartedly supports Regional Innovation Week (begainnovation.com.au). Our team will be present and taking an active role in many of the […]

As an organisation that strongly values the importance of regional Australia developing its own capabilities to provide tailored technical solutions to meet the unique needs of business and organisations within the Bega Valley and beyond, 2pi Software wholeheartedly supports Regional Innovation Week (begainnovation.com.au).

Our team will be present and taking an active role in many of the events.

As a software engineering-focussed enterprise, we are particularly looking forward to the Future of Code and Hackagong Bega activities – these are tremendous opportunities to meet other software engineers, ostensibly sea-changers and tree-changers, and look for opportunities to collaborate and have good-natured arguments about which technological solution is best 🙂

We hope to see you there.

Please download a brochure her for easy-print easy-read info on all the activities.

Innovation Week Brochure