Quantum Tech – from the Lab to the AWS Marketplace

Join us at the Canberra AWS
user group meeting 27 July 2022

At the July 2022 Canberra AWS User Groups meeting, AWS Select partners 2pi Software will – in conjunction with Dr Aaron Tranter from the ANU’s Department of Quantum Science & Technology team – demonstrate a practical serverless approach to take exciting Quantum innovation from the University Lab environment to the cloud, using the AWS Marketplace.

The collaboration has resulted in the first ever ‘API as a Service (AaaS)’ solution in the AWS Marketplace by an Australian group. As well as some context setting regarding fast-evolving developments in the Quantum realm within Australia, the presenters will provide a tour of the interface to the Quantum devices, the AWS CDK packaging yielding deployment efficiencies, and the inter-linked AWS services orchestrated by Lambda nodes that support easily accessed Quantum numbers via the AWS Marketplace API.